Customized Fat Loss Review – Tips for Diet + Medicine “Loss Weight”

Posted: April 6, 2013 in Health
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Customized Fat Loss 3Attractive cortisone causes extra catabolism of muscle mass and increases the body needs protein. However, the protein must be derived from sources poor in animal fats, because the medicine sometimes causes increase of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Thus, the daily protein intake of dairy fat poor (up 2%), the whites of eggs, poultry and fish, and sometimes from lean red meat will ensure the protection of patient muscle mass without burdening both blood cholesterol. Finally, treatment with cortisone for long periods increases the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Thus, patients receiving cortisone should consume three servings of dairy per day of low-fat (1 serving equals 1 cup of milk or 150 grams. Yoghurt or 30-40 g. Cheese low in fat and salt) and prefer calcium-enriched products trade (milk, yogurt, juices). In addition, most patients will receive calcium supplements and vitamin D to ensure bone health.

Attack Joints

If rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints in the jaw and difficulty chewing, the composition of the diet of the patient should be amended accordingly (e.g. pureed foods or mashed form) and even under the guidance of a dietician, It is worth noting that many times patients with rheumatoid arthritis seek relief of their symptoms through the consumption of nutritional supplements e.g. fish oil supplements gamma or application diets that exclude whole food groups, which according to some increase inflammation in the body. However, to date research data do not justify such practices, which may be lurking and risks for the individual patient. Information given by Customized Fat Loss

Systemic Lupus

General dietary guidelines for the treatment of patients with systemic lupus, there and diet of each patient must be adapted to your needs, taking into account the consequences of illness and medication in organ function and metabolism of nutrients.
During the nutritional management of patients must be considered:

1. The use of cortisone in systemic lupus is long and often in large doses.
2. Usually manifested by increased concentrations of triglycerides and low concentrations HDL (good) cholesterol.
3. The possible infection of the kidneys, which is manifested by a decrease in renal function, hypertension and concomitant loss of protein in the urine.

Possible side effects of corticosteroid therapy and dietary manipulations required are described in Table.     If the disturbed lipid profile and increased triglycerides, the patient should be aware that the factors that worsen triglyceride levels, higher animal (saturated) fat diet (fresh butter, cream, mayonnaise, bacon, visible fat pork / beef, poultry skin, sweet and ready confectionery trade, full-fat dairy products), increased consumption of simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, etc.) and food containing them, a systematic and increased alcohol consumption and increased body weight and abdominal fat in particular.

Thus avoiding foods containing animal fat and simple carbohydrates, abstinence from alcohol, a gradual decrease in body weight, and weekly fish intake and daily intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains will improve levels of triglycerides, while regular exercise is important to reduce triglycerides and increase HDL. Finally, if the wolf attacks the kidneys, the diet must be adapted, mainly by reducing the salt and protein diet. The diet should ideally be carried out by an experienced dietitian because at least for protein intake is necessary to ensure the ideal amount will not cause renal function, but that will not cause other problems in the body such as muscle catabolism.”

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